Life Lessons I Learned Living in Another Country

Photo Credits: Zac Durant

Living in another country for a prolonged period is an adventure that will teach you life lessons that you can never learn from a book. The experience exposes you to different cultures, customs, and languages, helping broaden your horizons and change your perspective on life. I’ve had my fair share of adventure living in a foreign country, and I’m delighted to share some of the valuable lessons I learned. From budgeting skills to exploration tips, here’s what I learned while living abroad.

Understand the Currency Exchange Rate and How to Budget

One of the most essential skills you learn while living abroad is budgeting. You need to understand the currency exchange rate and how to stretch your limited budget. Do your research before leaving your hometown and find out the average costs of living in the country of your destination. Once you know your budget range, stick to it!

It is important to watch your expenses at all times and cut back where possible. Make use of public transportation instead of taxis, buy groceries from local farmers’ markets rather than expensive grocery stores, and be mindful of expensive tourist traps. By keeping to your budget, you ensure that your adventure never turns sour.

Finding a Place to Stay in a New Country

Finding a place to live when you move to a new country can be a daunting task. It is vital to look for a safe, clean, and comfortable place to rest after all that touring and exploring. Research is your best friend in finding a place to rent or buy.

This the first house that we moved in and we’re happy about it!

I learned the hard way to avoid the first apartment I saw in a new country because it is not necessarily the best or the cheapest option. Look around and compare prices and amenities before settling on a place. Connect with locals in different communities, ask for referrals or go around and check out the neighborhoods yourself. Don’t be shy, because it’s your home that’s at stake.

Learn the Language

While it’s not always necessary to learn the local language to survive in a foreign country, it can make a big difference in how you’re perceived by the locals. In my experience, making an effort to learn the language showed the locals that I was interested in their culture and willing to make an effort to communicate with them. It also helped me to navigate my new surroundings more easily.

Photo Credits: Helena Lopes

Embrace the Local Culture

One of the best ways to fully immerse yourself in a new country is to embrace the local culture. This includes learning about the history, customs, and traditions of the people. I found that by learning about the local culture, I was able to appreciate my new surroundings more deeply. I also found that it helped me to connect with the people and build meaningful relationships with them.

Photo Credits: Haseeb Jamil

Cherish time with family and friends

Living in another country can make you realize the importance of family and friends. It’s essential to make the most of the time you have with them, whether it’s through Skype calls or holidays back home. Living in another country can be challenging. It’s easy to feel homesick or overwhelmed. Being resilient is essential to cope with the challenges of living abroad. It’s essential to learn from your struggles and come away stronger.

My Family Back Home 🙂

Learn to adapt

Change is always challenging, but living in another country teaches you to be adaptable. Being adaptable allows you to appreciate differences and react positively to new experiences.Living in another country is an adventure. Embrace the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow. Make the most of your daily adventures and experiences, both big and small.

Photo Credits: Derek Owens

How to Navigate the Local Transportation System

Public transportation is an essential part of life, no matter where you are in the world. Figuring out the local transportation system can be tricky, but it’s worth your time. Once you master the routes and transportation costs, you can get around with ease.Do your research and study the local transportation map when you arrive. Familiarize yourself with the schedules, different means of transportation, and the most common routes. Doing so can help you save time and money and help you get familiar with the city.

Photo Credits: Ankush Minda

Benefits of Exploring Both Familiar and Unfamiliar Places in Another Country

Exploring new cities and towns is one of the most exciting parts of living abroad. Immersing yourself in local culture and customs helps you appreciate a new perspective on life. It is prudent to explore both familiar and unfamiliar places.

Photo Credits: Robert Lukeman

Familiar places give you a feeling of security and allow you to expand your knowledge about the country’s history, language, and culture. Meanwhile, unfamiliar places help you to explore new horizons, connect with nature, and change your perspective. Both types of exploration will give you unforgettable experiences and memories.

Photo Credits: Ibrahim Rifath

Spending time living in a foreign country is a unique experience that will change your life forever. You learn how to budget, navigate the local transportation system, find a place to stay, and explore both familiar and new places. It is vital to approach every challenge with an open mind, and always be willing to learn. Living abroad can be challenging at times, but it is worthwhile because the lessons you learn will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Ana Cook

Uy! Im Ana a Filipina Traveler, a Mom and a Wife. I'm here to show you my unique travel experience and to give you an idea of where to go and what to do. We all can start somewhere right? so if you are new to traveling "you are in the right page". Join me to discover places and learn about culture and people .

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